Longer careers, better results and health, and increased work ability. The investment in physical activity is returned manifold.
Let’s start with a list of the undoubted benefits of physical activity
- improves recovery from all kinds of burden
- helps you sleep better
- reduces stress
- has a positive impact on brain
- strengthens learning, ability to concentrate and absorb knowledge
- maintains or improves physical condition
- prevents and treats illnesses
Learn more about what you can do by yourself >
Employees with good mental and physical condition are key to the success of the work community. Good working ability increases productivity and investing in working ability improves the employer’s image.
These are just some of the reasons why physical activity is a profitable investment for the employer:
- Sufficient physical condition improves work ability and reduces the feeling of exhaustion.
- Physically fit people more often believe that they can work until retirement age.
- When employees exercise regularly, the employer saves money in the form of reduced sick leaves, increased work performance and improved work ability.
- Employees who are in good mental and physical condition have an impact on the success of the work community.
- Investing in the staff’s ability to work is a responsible act that strengthens the employer image.
- The health, work ability and functional capacity of working-age people also have a significant impact on the entire Finnish economy.
- Encouraging to commute by walking or cycling is also beneficial for the climate.

Working-age population is the most important capital of Finland’s economy
There are 3.1 million working-age people in Finland. Of them, 80% – i.e., 2.5 million – do not move enough for their health according to the recommendations. In other words, there is plenty of potential for increasing work ability and functional capacity through physical activity.
Sufficient physical condition and health are a prerequisite for how well people are able to work. In 2019, Kela paid for 15.2 million days of sickness allowance, of which 5.2 million days (34%) were paid for mental health disorders and 4.2 million days (28%) for musculoskeletal disorders (Kela’s Health Insurance Statistics 2019; Blomgren 2020 Kela’s Research Blog).
Commuting causes a large proportion of Finland’s car emissions. At the moment, 47% of commuters use a car for very short distances, even to commute 1-2 kilometres. Up to one quarter takes even shorter journeys of less than one kilometre by car. (National passenger transport survey 2016.)